Oxynova careers

Oxynova Careers

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Join the OxyNova® Hyperbaric Global Network

Nobody fails alone, and nobody succeeds alone.

We are constantly adding new minds to our Global Network. If this is something you are interested in learning more about please introduce yourselves to us.

Who are we

OxyNova® Hyperbaric was founded in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada more than 21 years ago, with a singular focus: to improve the quality of life. We constantly renew, rethink, reinvent to create something better. We move to improve.

From the people who use our product to the team behind it, we work to empower every individual who interacts with our hyperbaric oxygen therapy technology to reach a higher potential.

Vincent Tardif, the CEO of Oxynova Hyperbaric

We're humble pioneers

As Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) becomes more mainstream, new challenges are being added to our mission. We at OxyNova®, we think in generations, not in quarters.

To maintain safety standards and to innovate based on medical standers was our primary focus from the very first beginning. Our diving background made it easier.

Building underwater technology for the Canadian and American Army brought us enormously technical advantages and a superior understanding of the physical laws & manufacturing protocols.

Our goal is to extend healthy life expectancy. We aim to accelerate this important goal for all humankind.

Since 1900 the global average life expectancy has more than doubled and is now above 70 years. The inequality of life expectancy is still very large across and within countries.

Healthy life expectancy holds the key to reducing social security costs

The key to curbing increases in social security costs is “healthy life expectancy.” If healthy life expectancy can be increased, it should be possible to curb healthcare and nursing care payments even if the number of elderly people increases.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy could play an important role in this journey.

Let’s change the future. Together.​

The role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Healthspan

The research made by group of Israeli scientists led by Prof. Shai Efrati investigating the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) on age-related cognitive decline in healthy older adults is currently the most vigorous attempt to determine the efficacy of HBOT in treating age-related cognitive decline.

It is especially important in the context of longevity research, since such decline is sometimes considered normal rather than a condition that should be studied and confronted. The research also adds to our understanding of the importance of CBF in cognitive function.

Asked about his main takeaway from the study, Prof. Efrati strikes an upbeat note:

The main issue is that we are considering aging as a disease. If I have a decline in my quality of life because of aging, this is a disease. Once I define it that way, I have legitimate reason to reverse it,” he explains.

OxyNova Hyperbaric prototype for Everest expedition
Oxynova careers
Work at OxyNova® Hyperbaric

We value everyone's ideas, and we build everything together — including careers.

Come work alongside some of the most accomplished minds in the hyperbaric and diving industries. Beyond competitive salaries, we are creating a community for innovators who want to make a significant — and immediate — change on increasing life expectancy

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