Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for beauty & anti-aging

Integrate HBOT into your beauty and wellness program for natural skincare, effective detox, and rejuvenation.

Our Wellness HBOT Chambers
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Age with grace

Oxygen is known to be a systemic component in skin rejuvenation.

When we deliver oxygen under pressure during HBOT – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, the supplemented oxygen levels improve blood flow, boost cell metabolism, facilitate collagen production, contribute to microscopic blood vessel growth, reduce oxidative stress, and on the surface level, increase skin elasticity.

Breathing oxygen inside the portable hyperbaric chamber is a natural and non-invasive procedure with efficient healing and regenerative action. The increased pressure inside the hyperbaric chamber facilitates the absorption of oxygen in larger quantities in the blood plasma.

When high concentrations of oxygen are transported and become available to all necessary cells and tissues, the body’s natural healing mechanism is stimulated.

Healing from within

Complementary to most skincare procedures and formulations, the action of HBOT is to heal from within. This natural approach to skincare is trusted by health professionals for the numerous benefits Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has proved it can deliver on a holistic level.

Respectable skincare clinics and hyperbaric spas centres integrate hyperbaric oxygen therapy into their programs to rejuvenate skin, increase skin elasticity, repair aging skin texture, reduce scar formation, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin complexion. Hyperbaric Therapy for anti-aging has become a common protocol in the wellness world.

Stimulate skin rejuvenation and slow down the aging process.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is not used as a miracle cure for aging – “to rewind the clock” – there is no way to reverse aging, but what HBOT therapy can do is improve the body as a system to experience aging with grace.

Hyperbaric Therapy for Anti-Aging

Oxygen can kick-start the immune and regenerative systems

Oxygen supports the immune system, activates the defense system against toxic substances, and sustains the growth of new cells.

HBOT is the most efficient method to deliver the necessary oxygen to the cells throughout our body.

The increased delivery of oxygen facilitates cell regeneration, which reduces scarring and helps improve skin appearance.

OxyNova Hyperbaric Anti Aging
OxyNova Hyperbaric chambers for treating stroke patients

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for beauty and anti-aging strategies

Hyperbaric therapy can be used as part of a proactive approach to aging with grace.

When oxygen levels in the tissues start to drop, the body’s natural healing process enters a slow decline which leads to damaged tissues, decreased tissue function, slow healing of wounds, dry skin, fatigue, wrinkles, and a variety of other symptoms related to aging.

The supplemented oxygen under pressure during HBOT sessions can reach deep to the cellular level to promote circulation, stem-cell growth, reduce inflammation, and support the immune system.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions have a powerful detoxification effect on the body. Skin is the largest organ and toxins in your body show up as blemishes and discolorations. HBOT removes these toxins for the system to look and feel rejuvenated and healthy.

yperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Wellness

Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT) can change the face of beauty

The anti-aging and beauty effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy represent only the visible part of the cellular science behind HBOT.

When we go deeper, the compound action of oxygen inside our system is far greater than the sum of its parts.

We support a healthy lifestyle that combines sports, wellness, and beauty strategies to enjoy the quality of life longer and safer.

We build Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) technology to improve the quality of life

  • Achieve better blood circulation
  • Eliminate toxins efficiently
  • Encourage neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain cells)
  • Increase various functions of metabolism
  • anti-aging effects
  • Improve motor skills in children, muscle tone, motricity, spasticity
  • Increase fine motor skills
  • Reduce muscle cramps
  • Increase strength
  • Increase control of the body and mind
  • Decrease edema effects by vasoconstriction
  • Decrease leucocyte chemotaxis and adhesion
  • Attenuate ischemic-reperfusion damage
  • Suppress the formation of inflammatory mediators
  • Inhibit the autoimmune syndrome and the immune reaction in antigens
  • Improve chronic skin damage healing by inducing angiogenesis
  • Stimulate O2 dependent collagen matrix formation, which is an essential phase in wound healing

How wrinkles are formed


Wrinkles and aesthetic skin problems, like blemishes and acne scars, are caused by many factors such as aging, exposure to the environment, especially an overexposure to the sun, smoking, gender, and poor nutrition. Wrinkles caused through aging are an intrinsic factor-caused aging, or genetically programmed aging, that happens over time.

anti-aging OxyNova 2 anti-aging OxyNova

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can help


Oxygen recently has been found to be an important component in skin rejuvenation, treatment of photoaging skin, and improvement in skin complexions.

The use of HBOT and hyperoxia conditions has been found to attenuate the formation of wrinkles from UV irradiation.

What is mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT) recommended for?

Mild HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is one of the safest and effective therapeutic procedures available today.

Sports performance and recovery

HBOT is essential for sports recovery, prevents muscle fatigue, and decreases the buildup of lactic acid.


HBOT can bring positive results to healthy users, part of a fitness routine, for prevention and to maintain the quality of life.

Brain performance

Improves cognitive function, stimulates brain cells, helps with developmental disorders, anoxic brain injury, TBI, autoimmune disorders.


Explore our hyperbaric chambers

Experience the true healing power of oxygen under pressure.


Best in class for sports recovery.

OxyNova 5 Soft Hyperbaric Chamber
Oxynova 5 icon


Your personal hyperbaric center.

OxyNova 7
Oxynova 7 icon


Extra-roomy home hyperbaric center.

OxyNova 8
Oxynova 8 icon


Professional hyperbaric system for wellness.

OxyNova 9
Oxynova 9 icon

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